Investing in a healthy and thriving Chicago by supporting frontline Environmental Justice leaders

Chicago’s Environmental Justice community includes leaders who have committed their lives to building safer and healthier neighborhoods. Chicago Frontlines Funding Initiative (CFFI) is the first group in Chicago to coordinate resources and directly fund grassroots EJ organizations for long term impact.

CFFI’s work is situated within the decades-long Environmental Justice movement, and it draws attention to increased calls for climate justice in communities hit first and worst by the climate crisis.

Frontline leaders and communities are at the forefront of the Environmental Justice movement

Cheryl Johnson, People for Community Recovery

Keith Harley, Greater Chicago Legal Clinic

Naomi Davis, Blacks in Green

Juliana Pino (left), Olga Bautista (center), Kim Wasserman (right),

LVEJO and Southeast Environmental Taskforce

Alfredo Romo, Neighbors for Environmental Justice

Gina Ramirez, Southeast Environmental Task Force

Chicago Environmental Justice on Social Media


Frontline communities have powerful solutions that can address economic inequalities and the climate crisis. It is time to deeply listen to EJ leaders and invest in their community-led visions.

— Dr. Antonio Lopez

Supporting Environmental Justice starts here.

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